I'm trying to load a local csv file into my database with the command LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/myfile.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"'
I'm getting the following error.
"Error Code: 1148. The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version"
I've looked around and apparently, I need to make changes to my.cnf to allow loading LOCAL files.
I've made all the changes that I've seen required and restarted the mysql server, but I still receive the same error message.
Snippets of my.cnf :::
local-infile = 1
local-infile = 1
local-infile = 1
I can also verify that this option gets set when mysql is started because "show variables" returns: local_infile ON.
Everything I know to check is reporting that the local-infile option is enabled, but I still get the error "The used command .... ".
Any ideas on what else I can check?
I'm running Mysql version 5.5.29 on Ubuntu Linux x64 on my local dev machine.
I'm trying to load a local csv file into my database with the command LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/myfile.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"'
I'm getting the following error.
"Error Code: 1148. The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version"
I've looked around and apparently, I need to make changes to my.cnf to allow loading LOCAL files.
I've made all the changes that I've seen required and restarted the mysql server, but I still receive the same error message.
Snippets of my.cnf :::
local-infile = 1
local-infile = 1
local-infile = 1
I can also verify that this option gets set when mysql is started because "show variables" returns: local_infile ON.
Everything I know to check is reporting that the local-infile option is enabled, but I still get the error "The used command .... ".
Any ideas on what else I can check?
I'm running Mysql version 5.5.29 on Ubuntu Linux x64 on my local dev machine.